TEDxRdam talk - Jacob van der Goot

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TEDxRdam talk - Jacob van der Goot by Mind Map: TEDxRdam talk - Jacob van der Goot

1. 1 .connectivity

1.1. had a client

1.1.1. what makes u te get up

1.1.2. financing 150 Japanse cars

1.1.3. connect things

1.2. key of banking

1.2.1. source of pride

1.3. pride of your work place

1.3.1. 150+ years old

2. Jacob van der Goot

2.1. Man­ag­ing direc­tor of ABN AMRO Rotterdam

2.2. banker in Rotterdam

2.3. cycling on stage

2.3.1. source of pleasure

2.3.2. happy to ride a bike home to work work to clients

2.3.3. model 1905 oldest bikes

2.3.4. bank 2nd oldest profession

2.4. history

2.4.1. ministery of finance

2.4.2. world bank

2.4.3. found a fullfilment

3. 2. banking

3.1. go for their client

3.2. money is a means not an end

3.3. Reacting after the fact

3.4. empower people to think for themself

3.5. do the right things

3.5.1. not to many regulations

4. currently

4.1. invest money in people

4.2. dont get rich but become better

4.3. trained in business of your clients

4.4. get things realy better

5. finance is a box

5.1. 3. proud to be the financial intermediairy

6. back to overview

7. rotterdam

7.1. a marketplace

7.2. hard working

7.3. diversity

7.3.1. poor people

7.3.2. Every disadvantage has an advantage

7.3.3. diamonds of talent

7.3.4. help them build there box

7.3.5. skils pride pride of company pride to be a rotterdamer