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TEDxRdam talk - Jan Bor by Mind Map: TEDxRdam talk - Jan Bor

1. Jan Bor

1.1. Philoso­pher and writer

1.2. complex world

1.2.1. many truths out there

2. hearth

2.1. methaphorical

2.2. some think completely different

3. thinking with the hearth

3.1. financial criris

3.1.1. expression of a crisis in hearth

3.1.2. necessary for change

3.1.3. new approach

3.1.4. situation

3.2. inner crisis

3.2.1. understanding of things

3.2.2. different

4. thinking

4.1. mechanisation of the world

4.1.1. dijksterhuis

4.1.2. everything is predictable

4.1.3. control nature people

4.1.4. current situation example fin. crisis unforeseen oil leak

4.2. complement mech world view

4.2.1. overcome this world view

5. alternative way of thinking

5.1. looking

5.1.1. conceptual system

5.2. henry person

5.2.1. turning around our approach

5.3. lay open fundmantaly diff approach

5.4. influx every changing reality

5.5. dive in the deep

5.5.1. salto mortale

5.5.2. all toughts

5.6. decent in our inner crisis

5.6.1. bottom of our souls

5.6.2. revolution

5.6.3. see zen abt way of freeing ourself of old habbits and invite to a diff attitude leading to a special way zazhou to a monk does a dog have buddha nature? buddha nature

5.6.4. unthinkable

5.6.5. inevitable

5.6.6. reality

5.6.7. key

5.7. dive into the abbyss of not thinking

5.7.1. different way of thinking

5.8. our heart is warm

5.8.1. the mystery is me myself

5.9. birth of our hearth

5.9.1. thinking with the hearth

5.9.2. open up

5.9.3. flowering

5.9.4. decay

5.9.5. receptive

5.9.6. empathic

5.9.7. unfolding

5.9.8. unpredictability

6. back to overview

7. individuals are nobel

8. inner crisis

8.1. old roots

8.1.1. not new age

8.2. quote

8.2.1. taoism lao tzu

8.2.2. the best of all rulers a shadowy presence