TEDxRdam talk - Jan Rothuizen

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TEDxRdam talk - Jan Rothuizen by Mind Map: TEDxRdam talk - Jan Rothuizen

1. Jan Rothuizen

1.1. Artist

1.2. visualization

1.3. mind mappings

2. artists

2.1. have studios

2.1.1. make paintings

2.1.2. artworks

2.1.3. lived in NY 10 years

2.1.4. walking in the streets better then sitting in studio

3. hierarchie of info

3.1. worthwhile

3.2. rich

3.3. drawing of beirut

3.4. the last tourist

3.4.1. guanzho 10 mln people make a map of this area created a grid

3.5. walking thru cairo

3.5.1. invading

3.5.2. physical

3.5.3. New node

3.6. portrets

3.6.1. how am i being perceived

3.6.2. soft atlas of amsterdam how do we perceive things New node

4. he makes routes through cities or other places

4.1. he create a mind mapping of it

4.2. describes stories he encounters

4.3. and draw events that occur

4.4. he uses his perceive techniques to map out

5. back to overview

6. example

6.1. supermarket

6.2. anne frank house

6.3. bookstore

6.4. room of major cohen