TEDxRdam talk - Dick Tibboel

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TEDxRdam talk - Dick Tibboel by Mind Map: TEDxRdam talk - Dick Tibboel

1. Dick Tibboel

1.1. Pro­fes­sor Research Inten­sive Care for chil­dren

1.2. Eras­mus Med­ical Center

2. open invitation

2.1. to follow pain in your own body

2.2. pain is good

2.2.1. its a fast proces

2.2.2. warning sign

2.2.3. from nerve fiber to nerve fiber

2.2.4. painfull stimuli

2.3. how to understand

3. pain

3.1. related to tissue damage

3.2. its a daily sequence

3.3. chronic pain

3.4. as common to talk over

3.4.1. as soccer

3.4.2. politics

3.5. self report paradox

3.5.1. emotion pain vs pain

4. research infants and pain

4.1. kids 3 years

4.1.1. how do nonverbal humans communicate pain

4.2. preterms and fish do not feel pain

4.3. +/14 painfull procudes per day

4.4. long term effect of pain killers

4.5. cognitive impaired

4.5.1. normal behaviour

4.5.2. what is pain

4.5.3. self report

4.6. many pain killer

4.6.1. lots of subscriptions a year

4.6.2. primairy approach do the best for child

4.7. new

4.7.1. individualised care determined by genetic make-up

4.7.2. difference in pain sensitivity

4.8. down syndrome study

4.8.1. in 2010

4.9. visualize differences in areas of brain

4.9.1. my pain in not their pain

5. back to overview

6. TED way

6.1. epidemic pain

6.2. 4mln people >65 years of age

6.2.1. older more pain

6.2.2. huge issue

6.2.3. pain assesment REPOS rotterdam elderly pain observation scale

6.3. pain

6.3.1. biology tissue damage

6.3.2. psyhocology

6.3.3. social event

6.3.4. culture

6.3.5. its a life experience

6.4. Your pain = My pain

7. questions