World religions

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World religions by Mind Map: World religions

1. Judaism

1.1. The first major monotheistic religion

1.2. The first people to worship only one god.

1.3. Moses received 10 commandments from the hand of god a a stone.

1.4. Jews were seen as outsiders in the lands where they lived.

1.5. Jews were robbed, killed, and driven out of their homes because some Christians thought they were a threat to the christian religion.

1.6. At the end of WW2, 2 out of 3 Jews were killed (6 million)

1.7. They study the words of the torra.

1.8. Synagouge is what they call their church, it is a place of study, learn Hebrew, a place of prayer, and is used for community gatherings.

1.9. Rabbi means teacher.

1.10. tefillin are scrolls and boxes bonded on their heads during worship.

1.11. 10 commandments.

1.12. Orthodox, reform, and conservative are the 3 main types of Judaism.

1.13. Kosher means they follow the laws of kashroot.

1.14. Bar mitzvah is the coming of age for a boy. (13)

1.15. Bah mitzvah is the coming of age for a girl. (13)

1.16. Rosh hashana is the Jewish new year.

1.17. Passover honors they day when Jewish people were free.

2. Islam

2.1. Koran is their holy book.

2.2. They pray 5 times a day to the east.

2.3. They must surrender to Alam.

2.4. it begins in the Arabian desert.

2.5. The year 622 is day 1 on their calender.

2.6. They say the words of the shadaha during the day, which means they believe in no god except their god.

2.7. Zakah is money paid to the poor.

2.8. Sawm is when they go without eating.

2.9. Hajj is the trip they must take at least one east.

2.10. They worship at a mosk.

2.11. Mosk's have areas for washing.

2.12. They wear Hijab's to cover their hair in front of strangers and men

2.13. Niche is towards Moshka

2.14. They worship the spirit of god, not god himself.

2.15. They are not allowed to eat pork or drink alcohol.

2.16. Alah is the first word the baby needs to hear, which is the name of god.

2.17. Ramadan is the holiest time of the year.

2.18. Ead-il-fitr is the first time in a month they have eaten a meal in the day.

3. Hinduism

3.1. 80% of people in India are Hindus.

3.2. Varnas and the caste system was the social class system

3.3. The Caste system is not very well liked because once you are in a certain varna/class you can not move out of it in that life.

3.4. Girls wore bindis on their foreheads and boys wore streaks down their foreheads to show they were Hindus.

3.5. Brahmin is the main god.

3.6. Cows are a sacred animal.

3.7. All rivers were sacred to India.

3.8. Reaching Nirvana/maksha was the ultimate goal/

3.9. Temples are dedicated to forms of Brahmin.

3.10. Aum was the first sound, and then the universe was created from there.

3.11. Vadas were sacred writings.

3.12. An epic was the tale of a hero.

3.13. They have a day to honor siblings where bracelets are placed on each others hands by the other sibling.

4. Budhism

4.1. Siddhartha Gautama tried to find the reason of suffering in life

4.2. Give up desire and suffering will stop.

4.3. 4 noble truths

4.3.1. Suffering is a part of life

4.3.2. suffering comes from desire

4.4. 8 fold path

4.4.1. right thougt

4.4.2. right speech

4.4.3. right action

4.5. Therevada and Mahanyana are the 2 dominate types of Buddhism.

4.6. The three noble truths

4.7. Duty's include helping the elderly and aiding to the community.

4.8. Buddha's followers collected his bones after his death and kept them in stupas.

5. Christianity

5.1. Jesus was born 2000 years ago in thhe palistien.

5.2. Monotheism

5.3. He was born a Jew

5.4. God raised Jesus from the dead during an event called, the Resurrection.

5.5. His followers became knows as christians.

5.6. Jesus is the main idea of Christian religion.

5.7. Protestant reformation was the act that thought the church was misinterpreting the message of god.

5.8. The religion spread to the 6 continents except for China.

5.9. The Pope is the Christian leader.

5.10. Churches are run by priests, and are sometimes ran by people called bishops. The people in the Church govern themself.

5.11. Trinity: The belief that god contains 3 spirits. The belief The father, the son, and the holy spirit.

5.12. Jesus died on the cross for everyone.

5.13. The Old testinent and new testiment.

5.14. A long time ago They made a place of worship wherever they happened to be.

5.15. Jesus, his mother Mary, and other honored people are saints, who can send their message straight to god.

5.16. Baptism is the entry into life as a christian child.

5.17. Christians go thought conformation when they are older to make sure they want to be confirmed in christian life.

5.18. New born babies are baptized.

5.19. Christmas is one of the most important holidays.