PHY111 Sum '10 Josh Brindley

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PHY111 Sum '10 Josh Brindley by Mind Map: PHY111 Sum '10 Josh Brindley

1. Outline

1.1. Linear motion

1.1.1. motion diagram

1.1.2. position vs. time graph

1.1.3. velocity vs. time P(f)=P(i)+V*t V(f)=V(i)+a*t

1.2. Non-linear Motion

1.2.1. vpython

1.2.2. range equation

1.2.3. circular motion

1.3. Forces and Momentum

1.3.1. newtons 3rd law

1.4. Work, Energy Storage and Transfer

1.4.1. the launch, Potential -> kenetic

1.4.2. energy bar graphs

1.4.3. hookes law

2. Competencies

2.1. Effectively communicate qualitative and quantitative information orally and in writing.

2.1.1. Projects 1, 2, and 3

2.2. Explain the application of fundamental physical principles to various physical phenomena.

2.2.1. Physics isn't real

2.2.2. Physics explains natural phenomena

2.3. Apply appropriate problem-solving techniques to practical and meaningful problems using graphical, mathematical, and written modeling tools.

2.3.1. Mello launcher Catapault Sling shot

2.3.2. colt 44

2.4. Work effectively in collaborative groups.

2.4.1. project 1,2 and 3