Being an Effective Educator in the 21st century

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Being an Effective Educator in the 21st century by Mind Map: Being an Effective Educator in the 21st century

1. My Professional Identity

1.1. John Dewey

1.1.1. responsibility “responsible student teachers ask themselves why they are doing what they are doing in the classroom in a way that transcends questions of immediate utility and in light of educational purposes of which they are aware” (Grant and Zeichner, 1984, pp. 105)

1.1.2. openmindedness "open mindedness, refers to an active desire to listen to more sides than one, to give full attention to alternate possibilities and to recognize the possibility of errors even in the beliefs that are dearest to us" (Grant and Zeichner, 1984, pp. 105)

1.1.3. wholeheartedness “wholeheartedness: this refers to the fact that open mindedness and responsibility must be central components in the life of the reflective teacher and implies that prospective teachers who are reflective must take active control over their education as a teacher” (Grant and Zeichner, 1984, pp. 105)

1.1.4. Personal Reflection: Important to be self aware of these three attitudes, in order to be an reflective teacher for all students. I desire to approach students through this way, giving them more opportunities. Always being mindful and considerate in the classroom, not delivering any discrimination or assumptions.

1.2. Philosophies

1.2.1. Which philosophy would work the best for all students? Consider all the possibilities and situations Perennialism Essentialism Existentialism Social Reconstructionism Progressivism Personal Reflection: All of the philosophy of theories in prior to teaching are valued. However, I believe I head towards the between Progressivism and Essentialism. Both of the philosophies work the best in specific subjects. It is important for teachers as a professional to be the leader of the classroom and guide students in the best way possible. However, it is also critical for students to learn on their own and experience by themselves. Through group discussions and project based work, students go through the 3 E's and learn together without the teacher being a dictator.

1.3. Principles for Constructive

1.3.1. 1) You don't know what you don't know: Strive for Intellectual humility

1.3.2. 2) Everyone has an opinion. Opinions are not the same as informed knoweldge

1.3.3. 3) Let go of personal anecdotal evidence and look at broader societal pattenrs

1.3.4. 4) Notice your own defensive reactions, and attempt to use these reactions as entry points for gaining deeper self knoweldge

1.3.5. 5) Recognize how your social positionality (such as your own race , class, gender, sexuality, ability status) informs your reactions to your instructor and those whose work you study in the course Sensoy DiAngelo, 2012, pp 166

1.4. Inquiry Based Learning

1.4.1. Students Learning, examples such as making their own commercials. Building something on their own

1.5. Active Based Learning

1.5.1. Actively Engaged learning, such as are the students moving? talking?

2. Ways in which I can serve as an agent of changes in classrooms

2.1. Cultural Responsiveness

2.1.1. "cultural is central to learning. It plays a role not only in communicating and receiving information, but also in shaping the thinking process of groups and individuals. A pedagogy that acknowledges, responds to, and celebrates fundamental cultures offers full, equitable access to education for students from all cultures" (Education Alliance, Brown University, 2006)

2.1.2. ICEBERG; understanding deep culture such as eye behaviour, approaches to problem solving, social interaction rate, arrangement of physical space and many more (Hanley, 1999, pp.2)

2.1.3. Personal Reflection: Being culturally aware and the diversity of students is extremely critical as a teacher. It is important to know the children's backgrounds in order to teach them. I take approach to understand my student's culture diversity and always respond in a sensitive manner. Because I came from a different culture than Canada, I will always be self conscious toward different cultures.

2.1.4. What can I do in the classroom? Model Respect Reflect your own cultural Biases Select culturally relevant classroom resources Provide opportunities for students to share their own cultural traditions and beliefs Understand the importance of promoting equity, rather than equality Establish a routine for welcoming newcomers Know how to pronounce their names, and ensure that the students do as well Have students seated with first-language peers initally Make personal contact with new students at least once each lesson Ensure that classroom displayed are inclusive of all classroom cultures Coehlo, 1998

2.2. Building Competencies in the classroom

2.2.1. "Whereas competencies are interrelated sets of attitudes, skills and knowledge that are drawn upon and applied to a particular context for successful learning" (Ministerial Order Student Learning)

2.3. Building Relationships

2.3.1. What are some things as an educator can do to build relationships with your students? Personal Reflection: Providing individual conversations and opportunities to all students in the classroom is a great way to understand students. Getting to know their parents is also one of the approaches to have a positive relationship. Focusing on student`s needs is the most important while teaching as well, such as checking if they had breakfast before coming to school.

2.4. "Fair is not always Equal"

3. Understanding the strucutre and insititution of Alberta's Education Government

3.1. The Government of Alberta

3.1.1. Minister of Education: Gordon Dirks Personal Reflection: It is important for students to understand all 3 E's as well with developing competencies. I believe the 3 E's will benefit all children and their future years in Education. As we make lesson plans in the future, having the 3 E's always connected with the curriculum is a must and important. Engaged thinker Ethical Citizens Entrepreneurial Spirit Framework For Student Learning "outlines the relationships among literacy, numeracy, competencies and subject/discipline areas essential for students to becomes engaged thinkers and ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial spirit" (Alberta Education, 2011, pp.2)

3.1.2. Charter Schools schools that run independently and have their own district boards.

3.1.3. Ministerial Order The Ministerial Order on Student Learning establishes the goals and standards applicable to the provision of kindergarten to grade 12 (K–12) education in Alberta. The Order was signed by the Minister of Education on May 6, 2013 and has legislative force.

3.1.4. School Trustees Responsible for day to day basis admins of schools Hire and pay school personnel Develop transportation systems Provide physical facilities for pupils Close Schools, set budgets Modify/adapt provincial curriculum Education and Schooling Classroom power point, 2015

3.2. ATA (Alberta Teacher's Associtation

3.2.1. ATA maintain and raise professional standards, it is there to improve the quality of education. It provides specialized information and protect individual professional rights. They provide specialized services that also ensure judgements by peers. ATA also archive just salaries and benefits that affect political decisions. (Gaylene Schreiber, Jan 20th)

3.2.2. Code of Professional Conduct In relation to pupils/schools authorities/colleagues/ profession (ATA, 2004) Personal Reflection: In the Code of Professional Conduct, it discusses various roles that teachers are obligated to react upon every circumstances. The Code is very important and going over the conduct was very helpful. It allowed me to understand how professional teachers should behave.

3.2.3. Services of the ATA Governance Member Services Professional Development Teacher Welfare Personal Reflection: I believe that the services of the ATA is really resourceful and important. They deal with variety of issues that support teachers and educators. By the union, they allow educators to develop and provide them different workshops for them to enhance teaching practice. They also fight for teacher's working conditions and salaries.

3.3. The History of Education

3.3.1. The Quebec Act To protect French with their culture and language. Therefore, we have francophone schools and teach French as a second language.

3.3.2. The BNA Act Allowed each province to be responsible for their education. Charter of rights was established; giving protection to minority religious and language rights.

3.3.3. The Indian Act Federal government to be responsible for Aboriginal's education and military. Residential Schools On June 11, 2008 the Harper government issued an apology for the abuses suffered. Churches have apologized for their roles. Total of 130 Residential schools in Canada

4. Current Issues in Education

4.1. Hidden curiculum

4.1.1. "Often teachers, perhaps inadvertently, exacerbate existing power inequities by reinforcing social attitudes through their own prejudices and stereotypical assumptions about student capabilities and cultural behaviour. Low expectation, for example are likely to result in self-fulfilling prophecies" (Ghosh, 2007, pp. 3)

4.2. Racism & Bullying

4.2.1. "Discrimination is an act that results in denying or granting individuals or groups opportunities or social rewards on the basis of group characteristics such as skin colour, ethnicity, sex, class, religion, sexual orientation and language" (Ghosh, 2007, pp. 2) Self Reflection: Promoting multiculturalism in the classroom is one of the way to break racism

4.2.2. Types of violence Verbal Abuse Ex: name calling Non-recognition Ex: Rendering people invisible or irrelevant Physical Ex: Beating, shooting Emotional/ Psychological Ex: Diminishing another person in any form because of his or her identity, origin, ethnicity, culture Cyberbullying Ex: Harassment/threats over the computer Ghosh, 2007, pp. 3

4.2.3. Self Reflection: It is essential for educators to make sure that the classroom environment is safe and not harmful. Students should not worry or fear learning in the classroom. They should be able to freely express themselves. I feel very strongly about this issue and desire my classroom to be bullying free. I would like my students to feel excited about school and want them to be in a fun environment. I recognize that it is hard for students to open up to their teachers whenever there is a problem. Therefore, it is my job to build an relationships with every students.

4.2.4. Regulation Teachers shall: i. help all students work to their full potential and develop their sense of self-worth; ii. assist students to be positive leaders in their classroom, school and community by building social, interpersonal, assertiveness, empathy, conflict resolution and leadership skills; iii. maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students to contribute to a positive school climate; iv. communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents/guardians; and v. report all incidents of discrimination, intimidation, and bullying, and assist administration when conducting an investigation into such incidents. (Administrative Regulation, 2012, pp. 2)

4.3. Gender Sexuality

4.3.1. LGBTQ 70% of students heard homophobic transphobic comments at least once a day (ISMSS, Guest Speaker, March 17th) 10% of LGBTQ students reported having heard homophobic comments from teachers daily or weekly (ISMSS, Guest Speaker, March 17th) 64% of LGBTQ students report that they feel unsafe at school (ISMSS, Guest Speaker, March 17th)

4.3.2. Creating Inclusions Avoid Assumptions Self Awareness Keep Learning Empower students