Seasons in New Jersey

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Seasons in New Jersey by Mind Map: Seasons in New Jersey

1. Spring

1.1. Themes

1.1.1. Green grass

1.1.2. Flowers

1.1.3. Pretty Colors

1.2. Events

1.2.1. Baseball begins

1.2.2. Easter

2. Summer

2.1. Things to do

2.1.1. Relax

2.1.2. Beach

2.1.3. Vacation

2.2. Themes

2.2.1. Sunny

2.2.2. Warm weather

2.2.3. Long days

3. Christmas

4. Fall

4.1. Themes

4.1.1. Pumpkin flavors

4.1.2. Football Sunday's

4.1.3. Leaves

4.2. Activities

4.2.1. School

4.2.2. Apple picking

4.2.3. Halloween

5. Winter

5.1. Holidays

5.1.1. Hannukah

5.1.2. New Years

5.2. Themes

5.2.1. Snow

5.2.2. Presents

5.2.3. Cold