Learning Environments

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Learning Environments by Mind Map: Learning Environments

1. Interactive Whiteboards

1.1. class voting

1.1.1. Multiple Choice

1.1.2. True false

1.2. Sharing student work

1.3. Google Classrom

1.4. Classflow

1.5. Promethean Board/Smart Board

2. Tablet Computing

2.1. Educational Aps

3. B.Y.O.D

3.1. Cell Phones

3.2. Tablets

3.3. laptops

4. Cloud Computing

4.1. Saving work

4.1.1. Microsoft Word

4.1.2. PowerPoint

5. Online Learning

5.1. research

5.1.1. bing.com

5.1.2. google.com

6. One Computer Classroom

6.1. minimal exposure to digital education

6.2. If there is a projector, teacher can create games, presentations, and model.

7. Computer Stations/Computer Labs

7.1. limited time in lab

7.2. Jiji Math

8. One to One Environment

8.1. All students have a computer to work with

8.2. I-ready

8.3. Raz-kids

8.4. Typing Agent

8.5. Sumdog

8.6. Accelerated Reader

8.7. Research

9. No Computers

9.1. Traditional Methods

9.2. overhead projector or document camera

9.3. individual white boards