Learning Environments

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Learning Environments by Mind Map: Learning Environments

1. Interactive Whiteboards

1.1. Students are engaged in lessons.

1.2. Students have access to highly visual lessons with videos and images on internet.

2. Online Learning

2.1. You can pace your own learning.

2.2. You can communicate with instructor and classmates at any time.

3. No Computer in Classroom

3.1. Students will not gain skills needed to be competitive in job market.

3.2. Rely more on teacher for all the learning.

4. Cloud Learning

4.1. A great to collaborate from anywhere as long as you have internet access.

5. Tablet Computing

5.1. Students have the ability to publish their pictures and videos.

5.2. Students can use apps to practice a certain skill.

6. B.Y.O.D.

6.1. Not all students have access to devices and internet.

6.2. Students and parents need to be responsible for devices.

7. One to One Environments

7.1. Students have equal access to technology on a daily basis.

7.2. School/District need to be supportive with maintenance of devices.

8. Blending Learning

8.1. Teachers need to be well prepared with lesson plans.

8.2. Provide differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students.