Definition of Web 2.0

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Definition of Web 2.0 by Mind Map: Definition of Web 2.0

1. What is Web 2.0?

1.1. Style of application

1.1.1. AJAX

1.1.2. Content

1.2. Focused

1.2.1. Small

1.2.2. Nimble

1.3. Social

1.3.1. Public

1.3.2. Collaborative

1.3.3. Democratic

1.4. Open

1.4.1. APIs

1.4.2. Interconnected

1.5. Dynamic

1.5.1. Fresh

1.5.2. Always in Beta

2. Blogging

2.1. Principles

2.1.1. Voice

2.1.2. Beat

2.1.3. Permalinks

2.1.4. Trackback


2.2. Platforms

2.2.1. blogger

2.2.2. WordPress

2.2.3. posterous

3. Focused Sharing

3.1. Principles

3.1.1. Hosting

3.1.2. Ratings

3.2. Platforms

3.2.1. SlideShare

3.2.2. Flickr

3.2.3. YouTube

4. Social Networking

4.1. FaceBook

4.2. MySpace

4.3. LinkedIn

5. Technologies

5.1. RSS

5.2. AJAX

5.3. Scripting

5.4. Widgets

5.5. Tagging

6. Wikis

6.1. Principles

6.1.1. Collaborative

6.1.2. Authoritative

6.1.3. Self-correcting

6.2. Platforms

6.2.1. c2

6.2.2. Wikipedia

7. Twitter-like

7.1. Principles

7.1.1. Short Messages

7.1.2. Broadcast

7.1.3. Mobile

7.2. Platforms

7.2.1. Plurk

7.2.2. Utterz

7.2.3. Pownce

7.2.4. FriendFeed

7.2.5. twitter

8. Calendars

8.1. Google Calendar
