Integrated Unit: Apples First Grade
by Meredith Simonson
1. Science
1.1. 1. Learn the different parts of an apple. 2. Identify the different parts of an apple. 3. Label the different parts of an apple.
2. Math
2.1. 1. Apple matching-match the number to the word number (1=one). 2. Apple addition. 3. Apple memory (number to word number). 4. Apple subtraction. 5. Apple sorting.
3. Art
3.1. 1. Color three apples: 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green. 2. Apple rip art. 3. Apple paper mache.
4. Music
4.1. 1. Listen to the "Apple" song. 2. Practice singing the "Apple" song in class. 3. Create movements to go with the words of the "Apple" song.
5. Literacy
5.1. 1. Read alouds on Johnny Appleseed. 2. Pair up with a partner and answer questions about Johnny Appleseed. 3. Create a bubble map with adjectives describing Johnny Appleseed. 4. Create an apple book. 5. Survey and write about who likes what kinds of apples.
6. Social Studies
6.1. 1. Learn about Johnny Appleseed. 2. Read and listen to books about Johnny Appleseed. 3. Create a circle map describing Johnny Appleseed.
7. Hands-on-Activity
7.1. 1. Apple disection. 2. Tasting apples. 3. Sorting apples into categories. 4. Making applesauce.
8. Movement
8.1. 1. Create movements to go song. 2. Play "hot apple". 3. Play apple hide and seek.
9. New node