Poetry Comparison By: Ellie Lawrence

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Poetry Comparison By: Ellie Lawrence by Mind Map: Poetry Comparison By: Ellie Lawrence

1. Each of them have a point of veiw.

2. Seeing The World

2.1. That you need to let your imagination roam.

2.2. Mood: gentle,flying, bored, and sunny.

2.3. Tone: Carefully, relaxing,calm, happy.

2.4. Below us was repetitive.

2.5. This poem was very nice and gives a peaceful feeling to the reader.

3. Every Cat Has a Story

3.1. There is something special about every cat.

3.2. Mood: Sweet, played,loved and smiled.

3.3. Tone: Comfortable, happy, relaxing, peaceful.

3.4. One cat was repeated every time.

3.5. I liked this poem because it was heartfelt and strong. It made a really good statement.