What it means to be a Canadian citizen

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What it means to be a Canadian citizen by Mind Map: What it means to be a Canadian citizen

1. Safety

1.1. Law Enforcement

1.2. OPP

1.3. Police

1.4. RCMP

1.5. Court

1.6. Security

2. Respectful

2.1. Be Peaceful

2.2. Polite

3. Strong & Hardcore

3.1. Play and/or LOVE Hockey

3.2. Fight through the cold

4. Government

4.1. Types Of Government

4.1.1. Federal

4.1.2. Provincial

4.1.3. Municipal

4.2. Branches

4.2.1. Legislative

4.2.2. Judicial

4.2.3. Executive

4.3. House of commons

4.4. Prime Minister

4.5. Stephan Harper

5. Care for your community

5.1. No littering

5.2. No burning fossil fuels

5.3. No Pollution

5.4. Recycle

5.5. Plant trees and garden

5.6. Carpool

5.7. Drive hybrids

5.8. Energy Efficient appliances

6. Follow Laws

7. Freedom

7.1. Canadian Charter of Freedoms

7.2. Freedom of Conscience and Religon

7.3. Freedom of Thought, Belief, Opinion, and Expression

7.4. Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association

7.5. Official Languages Freedom

8. Rights

8.1. Canadian Charter of Rights

8.2. Democratic Rights

8.3. Legal Rights

8.4. Equality Rights

8.5. Mobility Rights

9. Equality

9.1. NO Racism

9.2. Gender

9.3. Race

9.4. Religon

9.5. NO Discrimnation

9.6. Same Marriage rights

10. Active Citizen

10.1. Involved in your community

10.2. Make a difference in your community

10.3. Helping others

10.4. Involved in Government

10.5. Voting

10.6. Examples of the power of one

10.7. Terry Fox

10.8. David Suzuki

11. Pride

11.1. Celebrating Holidays

11.2. Victoria Day

11.3. Family Day

11.4. Canada Day

12. Diversity

12.1. Multiculturalism

12.2. Immigrants

12.3. All races and religions

12.4. Different Languages

13. Responsible

13.1. Polite