Agriculture: Greenhouse Farm

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Agriculture: Greenhouse Farm by Mind Map: Agriculture: Greenhouse Farm

1. Black Hat

1.1. very costly

1.1.1. to build

1.1.2. to pay the amount of people to run the farm

1.1.3. energy consuming

2. Yellow Hat

2.1. allows you to charge more for your vegetables and fruits

2.2. all year round harvesting and growing

2.3. reduce unemployment

3. Blue Hat

3.1. need background in agriculture/gardening

4. Red Hat

4.1. people will feel good about an Eco friendly business

4.2. feel more healthy since this is a healthy business

5. Green Hat

5.1. We can attempt to grow foreign crops

5.2. attempt to grow wheat in the green house

6. White Hat

6.1. Provides healthy lifestyles and promotes local farming