Choosing the right career and finding the right job

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Choosing the right career and finding the right job by Mind Map: Choosing the right career and finding the right job

1. Using career hub

1.1. Self research career and employ-ability information

1.1.1. Resume and cover page templates

1.2. Book Career Adviser 1:1 appointments

1.3. Advertise and manage job vacancies

1.3.1. Advertise traineeships and internships

1.4. List employer information and contacts

2. Start applying for new courses and scholarships on SIMO

2.1. Cannot accept until final exams are complete and results are out

3. Overall National ATAR score is the average of all 4 subjects

3.1. Over 50%=70

3.1.1. Most courses that ECU offers

3.2. Over 80%=80

3.2.1. All undergraduate courses

4. Some courses aren't offered in midyear intake

4.1. Start another course then transfer with credits in the new year

5. May need an interview or folio of work for some courses

6. Yes, you can apply for different universities using your ECU ATAR score

7. Go to course specific orientation

8. Career service is available to provide career options

9. When finding a job you need self awareness. What are your interests, likes, strengths and values?

10. What is out there?

11. What are my goals?

12. Factors that go into choosing a career: locations, skills, interests, values, motivations, personality, contacts, qualifications

13. What are employers looking for in your industry?

14. LinkedIn

15. Internships

15.1. Develop skills beyond the classroom

15.2. Gain competitive edge

16. Volunteering is good for your career

16.1. pride and satisfaction in giving back to the community

16.2. make new friends

16.3. pursue a passion

16.4. 70% of paid roles are gained from personal networks

16.5. experience to add to resume