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Ocean Kindergarten por Mind Map: Ocean Kindergarten

1. Math

1.1. Sorted fish by size and graphed them

1.2. Use imaginations and create ocean animals with tangrams

1.3. Play the matching picture game called "Fish"

1.4. Use shapes to make designs on paper fish

2. Art

2.1. Make rainbow fish

2.2. Created underwater animals

2.3. Stencil and color ocean creatures

2.4. Make a personal beach and glue on sand and shells

3. Music and Movement

3.1. Explore different ocean animals

3.2. Use puppets and play props to create an ocean themed dramatic play area

3.3. Sing and dance to "The Swim"

4. Dramatic Play

4.1. Built edible oceans using: Blue Jello, Graham Crackers, Candy Fish and Whip Cream

4.2. Use puppets and play props to create an ocean themed dramatic play area

5. Language and Literature

5.1. Read Big Al by Yoshi

5.2. Read "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister

5.3. Read and look at various ocean books about sea animals

5.4. Read "A House for a Hermit Crab" by Eric Carle

6. Science

6.1. Identified various ocean animals

6.2. Looked at real shark and eel eyeballs, teeth and eggs. Made observations

6.3. Learn about the coral reef vocabulary words

6.4. See a real shark eyeball, tooth and egg

6.5. See a real fish and sting ray eyeball

6.6. Look at beach shells under a magnifying glass

7. Social Emotional

7.1. Build under the sea puzzles and learn new vocabulary

7.2. Matching and reading games on the computer

7.3. Practice listening skills by identifying various weather sounds