Media Literacy

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Media Literacy by Mind Map: Media Literacy

1. students have to become aware of advantages/disadvantages, opportunities, dangers, etc.

1.1. cyber bullying

1.2. Importance of Information privacy

2. youtube

3. School Assignment programs

3.1. Blackboard

3.2. StudentIP

3.3. Moodle

3.4. Distribution of last Minute information

4. associations

4.1. Apple/microsoft

4.1.1. Tablets

4.2. Music Programmes

4.2.1. Spotify

4.2.2. itunes

4.2.3. Pandora

4.2.4. Garage Band

4.3. Google

4.3.1. youtube

4.4. amazon

5. history

5.1. start/early forms

5.2. non-electronic media (books, poster etc.)

5.3. old media in paper form versus new media in digital form: ongoing process

5.4. Invention of the Computer

5.4.1. internet

5.5. influence of the internet on new media

5.6. Use of old media in the classroom

5.6.1. Blackboards

5.6.2. posters

5.6.3. Tv/VHS (Video cassettes)

5.7. Transformation of society

6. kinds of new media

6.1. smartphones

6.1.1. Language Apps Babbel Dictionary f.ex.

6.2. social media

6.2.1. facebook

6.2.2. whatsapp

6.2.3. twitter

6.3. interactive whiteboard

6.4. tango

6.5. platforms

6.6. tablets

6.7. E-Readers

6.8. Video-Information Streaming

6.8.1. Netflix

6.8.2. Hulu

6.9. e learning

6.9.1. ERASMUS plus

6.9.2. online lectures

6.10. books

6.10.1. tiptoi - interactive Audio learning

7. law

7.1. since 2004: Power Point Presentation part of the final exam in Secondary School

7.2. Privacy laws

7.3. a lot of new Datenschutz guidelines

7.4. copy right laws

7.4.1. creating worksheets with pictues and still doing it legal???

8. Privacy

8.1. Privacy Settings on Social Media

8.2. concerns

8.2.1. parents

8.2.2. reputatuion future Job opportunities

9. education

9.1. teaching media literacy

9.1.1. studens Need to know how to use new media

9.1.2. how to use new media for research

9.2. don't forget about the 'old' forms of media/ compare the different forms

9.3. usage in classrooms

9.3.1. powerpoint

9.3.2. Smartboards

9.3.3. webquest

9.3.4. movie maker

9.3.5. Training homepages

9.3.6. Prezi

9.3.7. Tablets/ipads

9.3.8. Listening Tasks Listening Comprehension Listening to Music analyzing a song

9.3.9. web search

9.3.10. availability of Hardware/equipment

9.4. online lectures

9.5. online classes

10. Technology for teachers

10.1. organise your material

10.1.1. app for oral marks
