Technology Implementation Issues in Schools

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Technology Implementation Issues in Schools by Mind Map: Technology Implementation Issues in Schools

1. Legal Issues

1.1. Copyright Laws

1.2. Software Piracy

1.3. Protect Student Privacy

1.3.1. Strategies

1.3.2. Legislation

1.3.3. Protect Student Records

1.4. ADA Compliance

1.5. Acceptable Use Policy

1.5.1. Code of Ethics

1.5.2. Filter Software

1.5.3. Parental Control

2. Social Issues

2.1. Equity of Access

2.1.1. Bridging the Digital Divide

2.2. Cyberbulleying

2.2.1. Cyberstalking

2.2.2. Sexting

2.3. Security of Privacy

3. Ethical Issues

3.1. Personal Values

3.2. Academic Honesty

3.3. Freedom of Speech

3.4. Respect for Other's Privacy

3.4.1. Hacking and Malware

4. Macro Level Issues

4.1. Allocating Resources

4.2. Alignment with strategic goals and objectives

4.3. Classroom Use

4.4. Creating Policies

5. Micro Level Issues

5.1. Monitor Student Onlie behavior

5.2. Equal Opportunity for usage

5.3. Prevention of Illegal activity