Groups (Making Connections)
by JD Cunningham
1. 6. Physical Development, Health, and Safety
1.1. S1C2Ia-c: Group movements by type (moving hands, arms, legs, feet, etc. OR activities with jumping, running, climbing, clapping, etc.)
1.2. S2C1Ib: Determine into which food group various foods fit.
1.3. Overview: Study food groups. Choreograph movements using hands only, feet only, jumping, etc.
2. 5. Science
2.1. S1C1Ic/e/f: Look at similarities and differences between objects, living things, & natural events in the environment.
2.2. S1C3Ia & S1C4Iab: Compare/contrast, share, and describe attributes of objects and living things
2.3. Overview: There are numerous opportunities to classify animals, weather, physical traits, etc.
3. 1. Social/Emotional
3.1. S3C1Iad: Group the daily activities (individual/small group/whole group, inside/outside, sitting/moving, quiet/talking/singing) based on daily schedule.
3.2. S4C6Ic: Make choices about which activity he prefers and state the reason (I want to work in the block center because I feel like building, or I want to play a game because I feel like talking to my friend.)
3.3. Overview: Find patterns or groupings of daily activities with similarities (quiet time, etc.). Identify needs and determine which activities meets kids' needs.
4. 4. Social Studies
4.1. S2C1Ib: Discuss and/or ask questions about similarities and differences in other people. Group people by country, age, culture, dress, height, etc.
4.2. S4C1Iab: Determine groups based on attributes such as direction, location, city, state.
4.3. S4C2Ic: Determine similarities and differences in groups based on culture or family traditions.
4.4. Overview: Activities will relate to geography, climate, & cultures--similarities & differences.
5. 7. Fine Arts
5.1. S1C1Ia (Visual Arts): Create different art projects, using materials or media with similar traits
5.2. S1C3Id (Visual Arts): Look at artwork and observe, then group, based on subject or details (paintings/drawing/photographs or people/animals/outside/inside)
5.3. S2C2Ia (Music & Movement): Listen to different types of music and groups songs by type (classical, modern, chants, lullabies, marches, etc.)
5.4. S2C3Ib (Music & Movement): Describe differences/similarities in music or body movement of self or others.
5.5. S3C2Id (Dramatic Play): In play, group roles or actions based on diversity of community. What would a grocer say, do, or use? What would a vet say, do, or use? What would a plumber say, do, or use?
5.6. Overview: Study and create artistic means in visual arts, music & movement, or dramatic play.
6. 2. Math
6.1. S1C2Iab: Group sets of objects based on attributes (3 sides; 4 sides; blue; red, etc.) & to create sets (8+1=9; 7+2=9; etc.)
6.2. S2C1Ib: Use graphs to organize and display data gathered
6.3. S3C1Iac: Create, replicate, and extend patterns based on attributes/groups
6.4. S4C1Id & S5C1Ia-c: Using vocabulary to describe 1, 2, 3, or more attributes of objects, identifying/sorting groups based on attributes
6.5. S4C2Ib: Compare, sort, and group objects based using terms shorter-longer, darker-lighter, etc.
6.6. Overview: There are countless activities that allow students to determine groups using sets of numbers, attributes of objects and shapes (color, number of sides, size, location, etc.). My unit will include a number of specific activities that build vocabulary and independence in sorting and grouping.
7. 3. Literacy
7.1. S2C1Ic: Identify words as groups of letters.
7.2. S2C1Iab: Group by attributes or purpose--print/pictures and signs, symbols, and labels
7.3. S2C3Ibd: Group words by rhyme or repetition AND by beginning/end sounds (building phonemic awareness)
7.4. S2C5Icd: Groups words by purpose--temporal, comparison, and describing feelings, ideas, activities, and experiences
7.5. Overview: Grouping words; fiction and non-fiction; genres; book parts (illustrations, print, title page, etc.); letter sounds.
8. Books to use:
8.1. 1. Social-Emotional:
8.2. 2. Math: Math Fables & Math Fables Too
8.3. 3. Language & Literacy:
8.4. 4. Social Studies: Humans/Living Things: What's ALive; My Five Senses
8.5. 5. Science: Weather Fiction & Nonfiction--Bringing Rain to the Kapiti Plain; Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll; Down Comes the Rain; The Snowy Day
8.6. 6. Physical Development, Health, & Safety:
8.7. 7. Art: Series of books (How Artists See...Families, Work)