Stamford App

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Stamford App by Mind Map: Stamford App

1. announcements

1.1. Class Cancellation

1.2. banner

1.2.1. newsflash typish

2. IdeaBox(Stamford chat)

2.1. Idea sharing

2.2. diffrent facilities chats

2.2.1. individual chat is possible

2.3. selling books

2.4. presentation of class projects (student art)

3. Clubs

3.1. presidents profile

3.2. information

3.3. activities

3.4. meeting dates

4. TakeTheLead (Leaderboard)

4.1. your progress

4.2. comparison to other user/student

4.3. not all info is public/need confirmation

4.4. competitions within school

4.5. ONLY for corse and assignments

4.5.1. not nece

5. school related resources

5.1. library

5.2. registration office

5.3. school accountant

5.3.1. debts

5.3.2. credits

6. calender

6.1. school events

6.2. school holidays

6.3. deadlines

6.4. On the bigger scale

6.5. possibly connect to google calender

6.5.1. for automtic updates on phone

7. Enter the Amesomeness(Login Page)

7.1. schedules

7.1.1. exam dates

7.2. assignments

7.3. personal information

7.3.1. id

7.3.2. address

7.3.3. birthdate

7.3.4. guardian information

7.4. grades

7.4.1. graduation check gpa

7.4.2. subjects taking taken pending

7.4.3. updated released grades


8.1. hybrid

8.2. android/apple