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WISC-IV by Mind Map: WISC-IV

1. WISC-IV is an individually administered test which assesses the cognitive functioning of children aged 6y-16y11m

2. Scores are reported in percentile ranking and subtests scores additionally have age level equivalent rankings

3. Students with learning delays will have an variable subtest profile

4. GAI (General Ability Index) Gives a general idea of cognitive ability, leaving out the working memory and processing speed subsets. This is often looked at when considering further testing for giftedness as these two scales are not great indicators of intellectual abilities.

5. Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) Consists of 4 cognitive domains which comprise the full scale

5.1. Verbal Comprehension

5.1.1. Similarities

5.1.2. Vocabulary

5.1.3. Comprehension

5.1.4. Information

5.1.5. Word Reasoning

5.2. Perceptual Reasoning

5.2.1. Block Design

5.2.2. Picture Concepts

5.2.3. Matrix Reasoning

5.2.4. Picture Completion

5.3. Working Memory

5.3.1. Digital Span

5.3.2. Letter-Numbering Sequencing

5.3.3. Arithmetic

5.4. Processing Speed

5.4.1. Coding

5.4.2. Symbol Search

5.4.3. Cancellation