Windows Movie Maker

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Windows Movie Maker by Mind Map: Windows Movie Maker

1. What Is It?

1.1. It is a freeware video editing software made by Microsoft

1.2. A part of the Windows Essentials software suite

2. How Do You Use It?

2.1. Import picture, video, and/or audio

2.2. Arrange the media in your preferred order

2.3. Add effects and transitions

2.4. Publish your video

3. Why Should You Get It?

3.1. It is multi-purpose and versatile

3.2. It is easy to use

3.3. You can use it for presentations

3.4. Your students can utilize it for presentations as well

4. What Can It Do?

4.1. Import and edit slide shows and videos

4.2. Add and edit audio

4.3. Edit movies and choose themes

4.4. Share movies online

5. UDL Guideline

5.1. This technology meets guideline 5 of the 9 UDL guidelines

5.1.1. It provides options for expression and communication

5.1.2. it uses multiple forms of media for communication

5.1.3. It uses multiple tools for construction and composition