1. Teacher
1.1. 1st 9 Weeks
1.1.1. Why can't you just "Google" it?
1.1.2. Why can't you trust Wikipedia?
1.1.3. Want to "Google" Smarter?
1.1.4. SweetSearch
1.1.5. KnowItNow
1.1.6. Why are databases awesome?
1.1.7. Want help creating a Works Cited page?
1.1.8. MiniResearch Project
1.2. 2nd 9 Weeks
1.2.1. Art History Multimedia Research Project Student Spotlight
1.2.2. Disability Multimedia Research Project Student Spotlight
1.2.3. Microsoft Symposium
1.3. 3rd 9 Weeks
1.3.1. Unsolved Murder Research Project
1.3.2. Ohio Educational Technology Conference
1.4. 4th 9 Weeks
1.4.1. Travel Guide Multimedia Research Project Example Meograph
1.4.2. Professional Workshop Presentation
1.5. Ongoing
1.5.1. Study Hall Support
1.5.2. 8th Gifted English
1.5.3. Troubleshooting
2. Reading Advocate
2.1. 1st 9 Weeks
2.1.1. Independent Reading Books (IRB)
2.1.2. Classics Booklist
2.1.3. Mystery Booklist
2.1.4. Books Into Movies List
2.2. 2nd 9 Weeks
2.2.1. Bestsellers Booklist
2.2.2. Coming of Age Booklist
2.2.3. Nonfiction Booklist
2.3. 3rd 9 Weeks
2.3.1. Dystopian Booklist
2.3.2. Accessible Books for Visually Impaired
2.3.3. Beach Reads Booklist
2.4. 4th 9 Weeks
2.4.1. Historical Fiction Booklist
2.4.2. Diversity Booklist
2.4.3. Poetry Month
2.4.4. Multicultural Booklist
2.5. Ongoing
2.5.1. Book Displays
2.5.2. Bulletin Boards
2.5.3. English Festival
2.5.4. Professional Publications
3. Curriculum Specialist
3.1. 1st 9 Weeks
3.1.1. Online Textbook
3.1.2. Kidblog
3.1.3. Hero Research Project
3.2. 2nd 9 Weeks
3.2.1. Censorship Research Project
3.2.2. Science Collaboration
3.2.3. NANOWRIMO Club
3.3. 3rd 9 Weeks
3.3.1. Career Research Resources
3.3.2. Shakespeare Resources
3.3.3. World War II Resources
3.3.4. Magazine Subscriptions
3.4. 4th 9 Weeks
3.4.1. Etymology Multimedia Research Project
3.4.2. Grant Proposal
3.4.3. Social Injustice Research
3.5. Ongoing
3.5.1. Professional Development
3.5.2. Email Collaboration
4. Information Manager
4.1. 1st 9 Weeks
4.1.1. Media Center Orientation
4.1.2. Interlibrary Loan
4.1.3. Bulletin Boards
4.1.4. Website Redesign
4.2. 2nd 9 Weeks
4.2.1. Tech Savvy Professional Development
4.2.2. Wi-Fi Tutorials
4.2.3. Weeding Collection
4.2.4. Innovative Library Spaces
4.2.5. Innovative Learning Spaces
4.3. 3rd 9 Weeks
4.3.1. SmartBoard Training
4.3.2. Lab Scheduling Software
4.3.3. Plato Webinar
4.3.4. Copyright Infographic
4.3.5. Print Book Purchases
4.3.6. Testing Coordinator
4.4. 4th 9 Weeks
4.4.1. Database Renewals
4.4.2. Inventory
4.4.3. Statistical Data Collection
4.4.4. Annual Report and Needs Assessment
4.5. Ongoing
4.5.1. Equipment Requests
4.5.2. Room Scheduling
4.5.3. Drund
4.5.4. Special Events