Tom Robinson

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Tom Robinson by Mind Map: Tom Robinson

1. Looks like

1.1. Dark skinned

1.2. White teeth and his eyes stand out against his skin

2. Acts like

2.1. He acts innocent, which he is, but after going under some pressure, he acts guilty even if he isn't

3. Motivated by

3.1. He motivated by doing the right thing, and not getting caught in the wrong

3.2. He still feels guilty of something he hasn't committed

4. Beliefs & Values

4.1. He sees the best in people around him, no matter what bad they have done

5. How others see him

5.1. The majority think of him as a rapist and a criminal

5.2. Scout describes him as a black-velvet negro

5.3. Atticus thinks of him as a

5.4. Mayella and some others think of him as a slave

6. Issues and Concerns linked to him

6.1. It is used to be a normal case that a black man has raped a white girl