My Product

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My Product by Mind Map: My Product

1. Safety

1.1. Used By people of all ages

1.1.1. Must have no sharp edges

1.1.2. Cannot have any exposed electronics

1.2. Designed for use at a school

1.2.1. Must be safe

1.2.2. Passes a risk assessment

1.3. Point 3

2. Size

2.1. A4 Paper

2.1.1. Not very portable

2.1.2. Lots of room to work with

2.2. A3 Paper

2.2.1. Not Portable

2.2.2. Lots of room to work with

2.2.3. Uses lots of materials

2.3. A5 Paper

2.3.1. More portable

2.3.2. Quite small

2.3.3. Uses little materials

2.3.4. Too small?

2.4. Smartphone

2.4.1. Very Portable

2.4.2. Uses Very few materials

2.4.3. Very portable

2.4.4. Probably too small

3. Manufacture/Materials

3.1. Manufacture

3.1.1. Vacuum Forming

3.1.2. Strip Bending

3.1.3. Laser Cutter

3.1.4. Hand Tools

3.2. Materials

3.2.1. Acrylic

3.2.2. Polystyrene

3.2.3. Plywood

3.2.4. Wood

3.2.5. Aluminium

3.2.6. Cardboard

3.2.7. Paper

4. Function

4.1. Switches

4.1.1. PTM

4.1.2. SPST

4.1.3. PTB

4.2. Electronics

4.2.1. 555

4.2.2. 4017

4.2.3. Microcontrollers

4.3. Reliability

4.3.1. Must be around 95% reliable

4.4. Must be simple to use

5. Aesthetics

5.1. Colour

5.1.1. Red

5.1.2. Green

5.1.3. Blue

5.1.4. Yellow

5.1.5. Pink

5.1.6. Purple

5.1.7. Orange

5.2. Shape

5.2.1. Circle

5.2.2. Rectangle

5.2.3. Square

5.2.4. Triangle

5.2.5. Pill

6. Cost

6.1. Children

6.1.1. Have Little money Must be affordable Sometimes ask parents

6.1.2. Willing to spend lots Have little understanding of money

6.2. Adults

6.2.1. Have more money Spend more freely Spend on children

6.2.2. Has to worry about other things Bills Food

6.3. Problems

6.3.1. Children don't know value of money Have little

6.3.2. Adults more careful Have more money Have to pay for other things

7. Consumer

7.1. Adults

7.1.1. Have most money

7.1.2. May have children who spend their money

7.2. Children

7.2.1. Have little money Pocket money only

7.2.2. Most likely to play Appeal to these most?

7.2.3. May have access to parents money

7.3. Teenagers

7.3.1. Hard to get atention

7.3.2. May not have much money

7.3.3. May not be interested

8. Environment

8.1. Environmentally Friendly

8.1.1. Wood

8.1.2. Cardboard

8.1.3. Paper

8.1.4. Plywood

8.2. Non Environmentally Friendly

8.2.1. Acrylic

8.2.2. Polystyrene

8.2.3. Metal