Education Technology

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Education Technology by Mind Map: Education Technology

1. Educational (Technology) Reform

1.1. Information Double every 72 hours!

1.2. Fiber optics to push over 10 trillion bt/s

1.3. Created really just for a staff/conference meeting but went beyond their expectations

1.4. Real eye opener with some crazy and awesome fact about computers and the capabilities

2. Looking Backward, Thinking Forward

2.1. It is interesting that we no longer set limits for weight, speed, or need. I believe we finally caught on that there is really no limit. Books have not been replaced by technology, only supplemented

2.2. Interesting to see how technology has evolved during the last century and how many changes have occurred in the last few years. The changes in cell phones, computers and the internet have been dramatic

2.3. It is interesting to compare the progress of educational technology and the lack of progress in education

2.4. I love the quote from Thomas Edison. Almost 100 years later it isn't true, but it really could be.

3. 3 Phases of Educational Technology

3.1. "Any teacher that can be replaced by tech deserves to be"??? F.F.T.!

3.2. Not a hierarchy but an interlocking circles each depending on each other and crossing and blending together

3.3. is reading a chapter out of a book different than reading it from a computer? Is the information different?

3.4. i think its phase three is were we lack in the over all but... theres always room for improvement

4. Vision of K-12 Students

4.1. Teach to: Think, Create, Analyze, Evaluate, and Apply

4.2. Teach students with the tools there are familiar with, So they are engaged.

4.3. I believe it is important to keep up with current technology but still hold on to basic/foundation principals

4.4. Crazy Statistics for graduation... 50%?!?!?