Lord of the Flies

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Lord of the Flies by Mind Map: Lord of the Flies

1. Themes

1.1. Loss of innocence

1.2. The beast seems to be a recurring issue that will become a major issue.

1.3. Collaboration; teamwork?

1.4. Order; Authority

1.4.1. There seems to be a vague desire for order, but no amount of planning really gets anything done The boy's SAY being rescued is important, but I don't really think they know how great a consequence their irresponsibility will have on their being rescued

1.4.2. The boy's inherent desire for some sort of rule system., especially as young, rebellious children, soundly disproves the theory of anarchy.

1.5. Bullying

2. Characters

2.1. Jack

2.1.1. Jack couldn't bring himself to kill the pig that was caught. How long will he hesitate to kill in the future?

2.1.2. Jack's jealousy of Ralph hinders him from allowing a possible friendship to occur.

2.2. Ralph

2.2.1. Natural leader (tall, bigger, older; still immature (treatment of Piggy, although he treats Piggy the best); thinker/reason (good ideas); elected leader; starts to doubt himself; internal conflict

2.3. Why does Piggy introduce himself as Piggy if he doesn't want people to call him that?

2.4. Beastie

2.5. Simon

2.6. Dead mulberry-scarred boy

2.6.1. I'm surprised that the younger children don't realize the loss of the mulberry-scarred boy. I thought that would have had a more sobering effect on them than it did

3. Additional Comparisons

3.1. The Hunger Games

3.1.1. The boys should all look out for each other but at the same time, be wary of their surroundings. Being that they are in the wilderness so far from home, loyalties may change, and some may turn on the others.

3.2. The characters are all boys. I wonder how big a role this will take and how different it would be if there were girls.

3.2.1. Survival would be more difficult