IDEA Disabilities

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IDEA Disabilities by Mind Map: IDEA Disabilities

1. Deaf/Blindness

2. Deafness

3. Developmental Delay

4. Emotional Disturbance

5. Speech or Language Impairment

6. Visual Impairment

7. I currently teach a little boy who fits most of the criteria on the autism spectrum. Yet he has gone undiagnosed and his problems are rarely brought up to his parents

8. Autism

9. Hearing Impairment

10. Intellectual Disability

11. Multiple Disabilities

12. Orthopedic Impairment

13. Other Health Impairment

14. Specific Learning Disability

15. Traumatic Brain Injury

16. My nephew was diagnosed with an hearing impairment at one month old, steps have already been taken to get him into state-funded therapy. Early intervention is very important