The Breakfast Club: The Criminal

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The Breakfast Club: The Criminal by Mind Map: The Breakfast Club:  The Criminal

1. Defense Mechanism: Denial

1.1. Refusal to recognize or acknowledge a threatening situation

1.1.1. John Bender could not recognize that he was in a bad situation when he took the hinges off the door. He thought it would be funny and helpful to have the door closed at all times, but in the end he got in more trouble. He denied that he was going to get in trouble, yet he was doing things against the rules.

2. Marcia's Identity- Status Model: Diffusion

2.1. Diffusion is when the person has not yet thought about or resolved identity issues and has failed to chart directions in life.

2.1.1. In the movie, John Bender does not know what he is going to do with his life, and does not care where his life is going to end up. This is an example of diffusion because he keeps going to detention, and he does not answer what he wants to.

3. Baumrind's Parenting Style: Neglectful

3.1. Parents are uninvolved. They are not supportive and they do not monitor.

3.1.1. His parents did not pay attention to his life, causing him to not care about it either. It also caused him to have a low self esteem, and to be disrespectful. This was shown in John Bender when he talked back to Mr. Vernon, saying "Eat my shorts".

4. Growth Promoting Environment: Genuineness (Real Self vs. Ideal Self)

5. Structure of Personality: ID

5.1. ID is the first and most primitive part of personality present at birth. It is completely unconscious. It is pleasure seeking and an impulse.

5.1.1. John Bender uses the ID in his daily life because he does not think about reality when performing his actions. Many of his actions are impulses from the basic biological drives like hunger and sex. He does this when he steals Brian's lunch. He does not think about others, or social standards, he only does it for himself.

6. Modeling

6.1. The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior.

6.1.1. John Bender's stepfather would say rude things to John like, ¨Stupid, worthless... Retarded, big mouth...¨ which made John mimic the behavior when he put Claire down and said her name was a fat girls name and she is getting close to being fat.

7. Classical Conditioning

7.1. It is a type of learning in which we learn to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events.

7.1.1. John Bender was conditioned by his home life. Every time he would hear screaming, he was conditioned to flinch for a slap or punch because his stepfather hits him. NS= screaming, UCS= hitting, UCR= flinching, CS= screaming, CR= flinching

8. Observational Learning

8.1. It is learning by watching others.

8.1.1. John Bender talked back to Richard Vernon because at home, he sees his stepfather talk back to John and his mom. He sees him be disrespectful and has begun to act like him unintentionally. He said to Vernon, ¨Eat.. My... Shorts..." and egged Vernon on when he was giving John another detention, resulting in even more.

9. One's actual perception of characteristics, traits, and abilities vs. what one should or would like to be.

10. John Bender's real self in the movie is not the best kind of person. He is not nice, he steals things and does a lot of other bad things. His ideal self would be someone who gets along with everyone and not have to live with an abusive family/ father.