Action Plan for English Language Learners

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Action Plan for English Language Learners by Mind Map: Action Plan for English Language Learners

1. Spanish speaking students

1.1. WHAT

1.1.1. To better understand each others culture and languages, students will be put into groups that contain both Spanish speaking students and English speaking students. As part of this assignment, students will create a list of their favorite color, food, animal, and school subject. When they are in their groups they will share their lists and learn how to say them in the other language. Students will then share what they learned with the rest of the class.

1.2. WHO

1.2.1. The teacher has the responsibility of creating the plan and presenting it to the students. The students will work together in groups. All of the students in the class will participate.

1.3. WHEN

1.3.1. Preferably in the beginning of the school year to break the ice and allow students to find common interests among their new classmates.

1.4. WHERE

1.4.1. In the classroom with their teacher observing.

1.5. HOW

1.5.1. 1. Teacher will explain assignment and tell the students their groups.

1.5.2. 2. Students will prepare list of their favorites, and then break off into groups.

1.5.3. 3. Each student will take a turn reading their list and asking other students in their group how to say their favorites in the other language.

1.5.4. 4. Students will make note of any common favorites among the group if there are any.

1.5.5. 5. When each student is done, they will let the teacher know they are finished.

1.5.6. 6. When all groups are finished, students will return to individual desks. The teacher will then allow them to share what they learned with the class.

1.6. WHY

1.6.1. To show students that speaking different languages and coming from different backgrounds should not effect new friendships.

2. Chinese speaking students

2.1. WHAT

2.1.1. To better understand the Chinese culture and create a welcoming environment for Chinese speaking students, the class will participate in a a week-long lesson about Chinese New Year, ending in a celebration. The lesson will include researching Chinese traditions, language, and history. The celebration will include participating in certain traditions students have researched. The week leading up to the celebration will also include different teachings about Chinese culture (like finding out what animal sign they are and learning to write Chinese symbols).

2.2. WHO

2.2.1. The teacher is responsible for explaining the research and assignments the students must complete as well as the details of the celebration to the class. Each student will have a certain responsibility (bringing in materials, decorations, music, food, etc.). Parents are also encouraged to participate.

2.3. WHEN

2.3.1. The lessons will occur the week leading up to the celebration. The celebration should occur as close to Chinese New Year as possible (considering if it occurs on a weekend)/

2.4. WHERE

2.4.1. The teachings on Chinese New Year and the celebration will take place in the classroom.

2.5. HOW

2.5.1. 1. Teacher will explain the details of the upcoming celebration and assign students responsibilities.

2.5.2. 2. In the week leading up to the celebration, every day will include a lesson on topics like Chinese culture, traditions, language, and history.

2.5.3. 3. Students will create decorations and information boards for the classroom based on what they have learned in class.

2.5.4. 4. Students are encouraged to wear red the day of the celebration and to invite their parents to celebrate with us.

2.5.5. 5. Traditional Chinese food can be brought in, traditional music will be played, and students and parents are encouraged to mingle and learn more about each other.

2.5.6. 6. At the end of the celebration, students will share some of the new things that they learned with those in attendance.

2.6. WHY

2.6.1. To create an understanding of the different cultural traditions some of the students have. To make students comfortable in a new environment and to show them that learning about other cultures is fun!