Digital Tools and Effective Strategies for Reading for Comprehension: How Digital Tools Effect Co...

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Digital Tools and Effective Strategies for Reading for Comprehension: How Digital Tools Effect Comprehension by Mind Map: Digital Tools and Effective Strategies for Reading for Comprehension: How Digital Tools Effect Comprehension


1.1. "The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens"

1.1.1. Article by Ferris Jabr 11 Apr 13

1.2. Credibility

1.2.1. "I am a writer and freelance science journalist based in New York. Previously, I was a staff editor at Scientific American, where I am now a contributing writer. I have also written for The New York Times Magazine, The, Outside, Wired, New Scientist, Aeon, Nautilus, NOVA Next, The Awl, and McSweeney’s. Some of my work has been anthologized by the The Best American Science and Nature Writing series and I have an MA from New York University in Science, Health and Environmental Reporting and a Bachelors of Science from Tufts University."

1.3. Accuracy

1.3.1. I belive it's timely, at 2 years old.

1.4. Reasonableness

1.4.1. As a writer for Scientific American, there could be some bias, as he's entitled to his opinion, which is expected. I, however, found his article to be full of fact and citations, with clickable references.

1.5. Support

1.5.1. He references research performed by various colleges in multiple countries.

1.6. Fact Statement: "An emerging collection of studies emphasizes that in addition to screens possibly taxing people's attention more than paper, people do not always bring as much mental effort to screens in the first place. Subconsciously, many people may think of reading on a computer or tablet as a less serious affair than reading on paper. Based on a detailed 2005 survey of 113 people in northern California, Ziming Liu of San Jose State University concluded that people reading on screens take a lot of shortcuts—they spend more time browsing, scanning and hunting for keywords compared with people reading on paper, and are more likely to read a document once, and only once."


2.1. "Strategies for Online Reading Comprehension"

2.1.1. Article by Kevin Hodgson 2010

2.2. Credibility

2.2.1. Kevin Hodgson teaches sixth grade in Southampton, Massachusetts at the Wiliam E. Norris Elementary School, where his students use technology for publishing and creation throughout the year. He is also the technology liaison with the Western Massachusetts Writing Project and a co-editor of the book collection Teaching the New Writing: Technology, Change and Assessment in the 21st Century Classroom that examines the role of technology in the writing classroom in the age of standardized testing and assessment.

2.3. Accuracy

2.3.1. He is published under "K-12 TEACHING AND LEARNING FROM THE UNC SCHOOL OF EDUCATION." He states in his article, "I am a member of the Massachusetts New Literacies Teacher Leader Initiative."

2.4. Reasonableness

2.4.1. Mr. Hodgson provides personal experience as a teacher as well as sound research, which he references.

2.5. Support

2.5.1. 1. National Council of Teachers of English, "On Reading, Learning to Read, and Effective Reading Instruction: An Overview of What We Know and How We Know It." Accessed 23 November 2010.

2.5.2. 2. Leu, D. J., J. Coiro, J. Castek, D. Hartman, L.A. Henry, & D. Reinking. (In press.) Research on Instruction and Assessment in the New Literacies of Online Reading Comprehension." To appear in Cathy Collins Block, Sherri Parris, & Peter Afflerbach (Eds.), Comprehension Instruction: Research-Based Best Practices, New York: Guilford Press.

2.6. Fact Statement: "Readability is one online tool that can help in this regard. The tool is free and simple to use: To install it, just drag the “Readability” button up to your browser’s tool bar. When your students are at a website that you want them to read for content, they can simply click on the button to convert the page into a simple black-text-on-white-background format."


3.1. "Being a Better Online Reader"

3.1.1. Article by Maria Konnikova 16 Jul 14

3.2. Credibility

3.2.1. Maria is a contributing writer for The New Yorker online, where she writes a regular column with a focus on psychology and culture, and is currently working on an assortment of non-fiction and fiction projects. Her first book, Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes (Viking/Penguin, 2013), was a New York Times bestseller and has been translated into seventeen languages. It was nominated for the Agatha Award and the Anthony Award for Best Non-fiction and was a Goodreads People’s Choice Semifinalist for 2013. Her second book, on the psychology of the con, is scheduled for publication by Viking/Penguin next winter. Her writing has appeared online and in print in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New York Times, Slate, The New Republic, The Paris Review, The Wall Street Journal, Salon, The Boston Globe, The Observer, Scientific American MIND, WIRED, and Scientific American, among numerous other publications. Maria is a recipient of the 2015 Harvard Medical School Media Fellowship, and is a Schachter Writing Fellow at Columbia University’s Motivation Science Center. She formerly wrote the “Literally Psyched” column for Scientific American and the popular psychology blog “Artful Choice” for Big Think. She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University, where she studied psychology, creative writing, and government, and received her Ph.D. in Psychology from Columbia University. She previously worked as a producer for the Charlie Rose show on PBS.

3.3. Accuracy

3.3.1. This is a recent resource.

3.4. Reasonableness

3.4.1. As a writer for the New Yorker, there could be some bias, as she's entitled to her opinion, which is expected. I, however, found her article to be full of fact and citations.

3.5. Support

3.5.1. She references psychologists, professors, and authors, who have all addressed the issue of digital reading and comprehension.

3.6. Fact Statement: "When Ziming Liu, a professor at San Jose State University whose research centers on digital reading and the use of e-books, conducted a review of studies that compared print and digital reading experiences, supplementing their conclusions with his own research, he found that several things had changed. On screen, people tended to browse and scan, to look for keywords, and to read in a less linear, more selective fashion. On the page, they tended to concentrate more on following the text. Skimming, Liu concluded, had become the new reading: the more we read online, the more likely we were to move quickly, without stopping to ponder any one thought."

4. "Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World"

4.1. Written by Naomi Baron

4.1.1. 6 Feb 15

4.2. Credibility

4.2.1. She is the Professor of Linguistics and Executive Director of the Center for Teaching, Research & Learning at American University in Washington, DC. She is the author of Always On: Language in an Online and Mobile World.

4.3. Accuracy

4.3.1. Published 3 months ago.

4.4. Reasonableness

4.4.1. I felt as though she was a reliable source of information, having first-hand experience with this topic from the side of teacher and author.

4.5. Support

4.5.1. Published by Oxford University Press.

4.6. Fact Statement: "...the virtues of eReading are matched with drawbacks. Users are easily distracted by other temptations on their devices, multitasking is rampant, and screens coax us to skim rather than read in-depth. What is more, if the way we read is changing, so is the way we write. In response to changing reading habits, many authors and publishers are producing shorter works and ones that don't require reflection or close reading."