English Language Arts Grade 5 - Novel Study

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English Language Arts Grade 5 - Novel Study por Mind Map: English Language Arts  Grade 5 - Novel Study

1. New node

2. Confessions of An Only Child

2.1. Intro/Ch.1

3. Instructional Strategiies

3.1. Direct/Discussion

4. Learning Outcomes

4.1. G0 4 - 4.4 Present & Share

4.2. G0 1 - 1.1 Discover & Explore

5. Learning Resources

5.1. Whiteboard (questions)

5.2. Journals

6. New node

7. Foundation Words (vocabulary)

7.1. Bane

7.2. Existence

7.3. Pregnancy

7.4. Expression

7.5. Confession

8. Activating

8.1. Using Questioning

8.1.1. What is meant by an only child?

8.1.2. Is anyone here an only child?

8.1.3. Focus on book cover and table of contents for predictions...who or what could the story be about?

9. Acquiring

9.1. Introduction

9.2. Chapter 1

9.3. Discussion

9.4. Browse ch. 2

10. Applying

10.1. Creation

11. Assessment

11.1. Formative

11.2. Summative