Social Media

Social Media mindmap created from C4LPT Social Learning Academy

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Social Media by Mind Map: Social Media

1. Social networking

1.1. Facebook

1.2. LinkedIn

1.3. Ning

1.4. Elgg

2. Social bookmarking

2.1. Delicious

2.2. Diigo

2.3. Scuttle

2.4. Connectbeam

3. RSS - Really Simple Syndication

3.1. Google Reader

3.2. Bloglines

3.3. MS Outlook 2007

4. File sharing

4.1. Flickr

4.2. YouTube

4.3. Jing

4.4. Screenr

4.5. Slideshare

4.6. Prezi

5. Instant Messaging

5.1. Skype

6. Wikis

6.1. PBworks

6.2. Wikispaces

7. Personal dashboards

7.1. iGoogle

7.2. Netvibes

7.3. Pageflakes

8. Micro-blogging

8.1. Twitter

8.2. Yammer

8.3. Edmodo


8.5. Socialtext

9. Blogging

9.1. Wordpress

9.2. Blogger

9.3. Edublogs

9.4. Typepad

9.5. Posterous

10. Podcasting

10.1. Audacity

10.2. Garage Band

11. Email

11.1. Gmail

11.2. Google Buzz

11.3. Google Wave

12. Web meetings

12.1. Dimdim

12.2. Adobe Connect

12.3. Elluminate

12.4. Webex

13. Online office suites

13.1. Google Docs

13.2. Zoho

14. Social and collaboration platforms

14.1. Elgg

14.2. Socialtext

14.3. Sharepoint

14.4. Google Apps