Paula Peral's PLE

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Paula Peral's PLE by Mind Map: Paula Peral's PLE

1. Reflecting

1.1. Meeting friends

1.2. Twitter, facebook, blogger

1.3. Writing poetry, redactions, and so on

1.4. while I am reading books

1.5. When I am doing works for university

2. Sharing

2.1. Gmail and google drive

2.2. Discussing with my family and friends

2.3. Twitter, facebook and blogger

2.4. Exposing works in class with PowerPoint, SlideShare,, and so on

2.5. When I am doing works in group, I share reflections and opinions with my classmates

3. Actitudes

3.1. Being curious

3.2. Enthusiastic

3.3. Being talkative and sociable with my family and friends

3.4. Sociable, meeting new people that provide me new knowledge

4. Reading

4.1. University lessons via "aula virtual"

4.2. Practical works

4.3. Theatre

4.4. Films

4.5. Youtube (videos)

4.6. Literature, education and cultural posts (Blogger)

4.7. Newspaper

4.8. News at the TV

4.9. Social networks such as Twitter or Facebook

4.10. Reading books