Conscious Consumption. What should Paraguayans analyze before eating something?

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Conscious Consumption. What should Paraguayans analyze before eating something? by Mind Map: Conscious Consumption.          What should Paraguayans analyze before eating something?

1. Marketing shenanigans

1.1. Coca-Cola Life Is Green, Natural, and Not Good For You

1.1.1. Coca-Cola Life tries to sell itself as a healthy product based maily on its green-packaged image. The same misleading marketing scheme is also present among many other products here in Paraguay.

1.2. Official Coca-Cola "Big Game" Commercial #MakeItHappy

1.2.1. The "Big Game" commercial idealizes the concept that drinking Coke produces happiness. I or any other consumer will instantly make the anology whenever we see a Coke.

2. Social Awareness

2.1. Seafarming at the End of the World

2.1.1. The 3-D Seafarming model does not only produces food but also reduces the effects of climate change. This model could be benefitial for the contaminated waters in Paraguay. Plus, it would offer a new variety of exotic aliments at the markets.

2.2. The Global Food Waste Scandal

2.2.1. While food is wasted in first world economies for aesthetic reasons, in Paraguay meat and vegetables are destroyed because of their procedence -contraband-, thus privating foster care facilities, voluntary dining halls and others in need from perfectly edible aliments. Also, when contraband of vegetables is low, local prices of vegetables rise.

3. Political Issues

3.1. Toronto Council relaxes restrictions on food trucks

3.1.1. The Toronto council imposes strict regulations to food truck owners. The same scrutiny is necessary in Paraguay for the improvised food stands located in affluent areas. They don't have easy access to water, re-use the same frying oil day after day and simply don't meet basic sanitary standards. The food provided at these stands represent a serious risk for its consumers

3.2. German cattle ranchers killed by guerrillas in Paraguay

3.2.1. The Paraguayan People's Army harass cattle ranchers, entrepreneurs and plantation owners. If they spread south with the same modus operandi, the economy would be severely injured as Paraguay is a major exporter of meat and soybean. Price of basic products would rise astronomically, making some products unaffordable for large sectors of the population.

4. Health Improvement

4.1. The truth about 'miracle foods' - from chia seeds to coconut oil

4.1.1. Seeds, fruits and plants are being heavily promoted as miraculous cures for various illnesses in Paraguay. They even sell chia seeds in the yogurt. These 'miracle foods' however, are not replacements of a healthy and well-balanced diet.

4.2. Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight

4.2.1. Guidelines for healthy eating behaviors. It offers of the basic requirements for a nutrituous diet plan. In order to maintain a healthy diet, innovations or twists can be made to our recipes.

4.3. Chris Powell gives us excercise and food tips

4.3.1. Brief tips for daily workout routines and advices on healthy snacks.

4.4. Miracle Foods. Myths and the Media

4.4.1. Although there's a general conception regarding medical values of certain foods, many of them are not scientifically founded.