Learning Environments: Ensure Educational Structures Enable 21st Century Skills

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Learning Environments: Ensure Educational Structures Enable 21st Century Skills by Mind Map: Learning Environments: Ensure Educational Structures Enable 21st Century Skills

1. Surrounding Community

1.1. Technology

1.1.1. Have a way for the community to connect with he schools through different websites or email.

1.1.2. Use the technology to keep in touch with the community. Also for the community to get into touch with the schools.

1.2. Goals

1.2.1. All Schools have goals or missions, by involving the community around the school, they can all share the same goals.

1.2.2. If a community is involved with the goals the students are more likely to understand those goals more clearly.

2. New Spaces

2.1. Learning Space

2.1.1. Open areas, more for collaboration and hands on activities.

2.1.2. No More Classrooms. Instead different open spaces for students to do their learning.

2.2. Outdoor Space

2.2.1. Open outdoor areas for students to do learning. A place for students to relax and collaborate with each other outside of a classroom.

2.2.2. Place for students to get fresh air instead of being inside for long periods of time.

2.3. Labs

2.3.1. Specific rooms designed for art, photography, and engineering. No longer will look like a normal classroom but be a space for students to work hands on and have space to do so.

3. Classroom

3.1. Enviornment

3.1.1. Should be relaxing and flexible. Lots of color. Soft, cushioned chairs. Couches and pillows.

3.1.2. Students should feel safe. Tables instead of desks. Display students art work throughout building.

3.2. Structure

3.2.1. Rooms will not all look the same. Be designed based on subject or need. Lots of windows for students to see outside.

3.2.2. Moveable furniture and walls so classrooms can be made bigger or smaller. Lots of open spaces and large areas for collaboration.

4. Technology

4.1. Enviornment

4.1.1. Tables so there is more room for laptops. More outlets to support the laptops and other devices

4.1.2. Smart boards instead of white boards. More interactive devices.

4.2. Internet

4.2.1. Wireless internet throughout the school and also allow for access at home.