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Imperialism by Mind Map: Imperialism

1. Reasons

1.1. Economic

1.1.1. Raw materials

1.1.2. Natural resources

1.1.3. New marketplaces

1.2. Political

1.2.1. Nation prestige

1.2.2. Rivalry between countriesd

1.3. Military

1.4. Cultural

1.4.1. communication

2. Examples

2.1. Roman Empire

2.2. British Empire

2.2.1. Industrial Revolution Spread the industrialization

2.3. Spain and Portugal

2.4. France

2.5. Example of Empires

3. Definition

3.1. If colonialism is a pratice, imperialism is the idea driving the practice

3.2. a country trying to increase its size or power

3.3. Some Empires like The Roman invaded and conquered other countries.

3.4. A forceful extension of a nation's authority