Electromagnetic Radiation

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Electromagnetic Radiation por Mind Map: Electromagnetic Radiation

1. Scattering-When a waves collides with something to change its path

1.1. New node

1.1.1. New node

2. Opaque-the degree to which light is blocked

3. Translucent-Allows light to pass through diffusely.

4. Diffraction-When a waves collides with something

5. EMR Spectrum-The range of all possible frequencies in Electromagnetic radiation

5.1. Band/Frequecies and Examples

5.1.1. 10^3-Radio

5.1.2. 10^-2-Microwave

5.1.3. 10^-5-infrared

5.1.4. .5x10^-5-Visible

5.1.5. 10^-8-Ultraviolet

5.1.6. 10^-10-Xray

5.1.7. 10^-12 Gamma Ray

6. Representations

6.1. Wave-Example-Ocean Wave

6.2. Ray-idealized narrow beam of light

6.3. Particle-matter that makes up the wave

6.4. Wave front-Line of points having the same phase

6.5. Wave packet-A short "burst" of wave that travels as a unit

7. Dispersion-Wave is not uniform, becomes frequency dependent

8. Interference-Occurs when a new wave patter is created by the collision of two or more waves

9. Absorption-The way in which energy is taken up by other matter

10. Polarization-Orientation of the waves electrical field at its oscillation

11. Fluorescence-the emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light or other EMR of a different wave length

12. Refraction-When a wave changes direction

13. Propagation-Any of the ways in which waves travel

13.1. New node

14. Frequency-the number of occurrences per unit time

15. Energy-is the transport of energy by a wave

16. Wavelength-the spatial period of the wave

17. Speed-the velocity in which the wave moves

18. Reflection-Angle of a wave on a surface

19. Phosphorescence-Material that does not immediately re-emit the radiation it absorbs.

20. Transparent-the physical property of allowing light to pass through a material.