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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Formative

2. Informal Formative

2.1. Discussions

2.2. Questioning

2.3. Spontaneous

2.4. Immediate Feedback

2.5. Instructional Adjustments

3. Formal Formative

3.1. Planned Activities

3.2. Specific sequence

3.3. Pre-Assessment

3.4. 6 Types of Assessment

3.4.1. Structured Exercises

3.4.2. Pretests

3.4.3. Homework

3.4.4. In-class assessing

3.4.5. Quizzes and Unit Tests

3.4.6. Class Response System

4. Formal Assessment Cycle

4.1. Gather evidence of learning

4.2. Evaluate evidence

4.3. Feedback

4.4. Adjust

5. Characteristics

5.1. Evidence of Student Learning

5.2. Structured

5.3. Participation includes feedback

5.3.1. Types of Feedback Goal Directed Scaffolding Self-Referenced Standards Referenced

5.3.2. Nature of the Feedback Amount Timing Mode Audience Type of Task

5.3.3. Differentiated Feedback Learner Level of Ability Grade Level Subject

5.4. Instruction Adjustments

5.5. Teacher-Student Interaction

5.6. Student Self-Assessment

5.7. Attributions for Success

6. Interim/Benchmarked

6.1. Periodic Teasting

6.2. Low Level/Little to no feedback

6.3. Formal Style

6.3.1. Projects

6.3.2. Written Assignments

6.3.3. Tests

7. Summative

8. Planning

8.1. End of a learning chunk

8.2. Review what you want to do

8.3. Criteria for ensuring high-quality assessment

8.4. Representative sampling

8.5. Examples:

8.5.1. Standardized testing

8.5.2. Final Exams

8.5.3. Major Cumulative Projects

8.5.4. Research Projects

9. Preparing Students

9.1. Teach assessment taking skills

9.2. Test length, format questioning, etc.

9.3. Review

9.4. Item Type

9.5. Assessment anxiety

10. Conducting

10.1. Creating

10.1.1. Assessment Directions

10.1.2. Arrange Items

10.1.3. Physical Layout

10.2. Question Types

10.2.1. Multiple Choice

10.2.2. Matching, sequencing

10.2.3. True-false, yes-no

10.2.4. Factual short answer, fill ins

10.2.5. High-order shot answer

10.2.6. Short or long essay

10.2.7. Reliability and Validity

10.3. Delivery

10.3.1. Paper and Pencil

10.3.2. Online

10.3.3. Computer adaptive testing

10.4. Scoring

10.4.1. Human

10.4.2. Distributed

10.4.3. Automated

10.4.4. Rubric

10.4.5. Checklists