How has ICT affected entertainment and leisure?

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How has ICT affected entertainment and leisure? by Mind Map: How has ICT affected entertainment and leisure?

1. Kindles

1.1. Books

1.2. Apps

1.3. Movies

2. Television

2.1. Apps

2.2. Tv Shows

3. Computers

3.1. Animation

3.1.1. Films

3.1.2. Movies

3.1.3. Educational videos

3.1.4. VFX

3.2. Internet

3.3. BBC Iplayer

3.4. Educational Sites

3.5. Footage editing

4. Games

4.1. Oculus rift first person gaming

4.2. Mouse and keyboard games

4.3. 3D modelling

4.4. Consoles

4.4.1. Xbox

4.4.2. Xbox kinect

5. ICT has effected entertainment and leisure by changing the different ways in which we usually spend our time. With the use of these technologies, there are a lot more ways to entertain ourselves.

6. Smart watches

7. Headphones

7.1. Music

8. Phones

8.1. Touch Screens

8.2. LCD Screens

8.3. Batteries

8.4. Games

8.5. GPS

8.6. Dynamic Perspective