
Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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autobiography by Mind Map: autobiography

1. vocabulary

1.1. occupations

1.2. personalities

1.2.1. words describing personalities

1.2.2. more words describing personalities

1.2.3. positive words describing personalities

1.2.4. negative words describing personalities

1.3. hobbies and interests

2. organization

2.1. family

2.1.1. Who are your families?

2.1.2. What do your families do?

2.1.3. How do your family members influence you?

2.2. personality

2.3. education

2.3.1. What school do you attend?

2.3.2. What field of subjects did you specialize in high school?

2.3.3. Did you win any awards or recognitions?

2.4. hobbies and interests

2.4.1. What kind of books do you read?

2.4.2. What is your favorite sport?

2.4.3. Do you belong to any club or society?

2.5. prospects

2.5.1. What do you want to major in if admitted to college?

2.5.2. How will the major relate to your future career?