Oracle e-Business Suite Order to Cash

Order to Cash business flow for Oracle e-Business Suite, major, minor, niche and adjacent topics

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Oracle e-Business Suite Order to Cash by Mind Map: Oracle e-Business Suite Order to Cash

1. Major Functionality

1.1. Order Fulfillment

1.1.1. Processing, Scheduling, Approving

1.1.2. Hold, Mass Changes, and Cancellation

1.1.3. Credit Check

1.1.4. Return Material Authorization (RMA)

1.1.5. Sales Agreements

1.2. Logistics

1.2.1. Pick, Pack, Ship

1.2.2. Delivery, Trip, Stops

1.2.3. COGS

1.2.4. Carriers, Service Levels, and Transit Times

1.2.5. Shipping Documents

1.2.6. Freight Terms

1.3. Inventory

1.3.1. Move Orders

1.3.2. Inentory COGS

1.3.3. Reservations, Staging

1.3.4. Item Availability

1.3.5. Intercompany Flows

1.4. Advanced Pricing

1.4.1. Price lists

1.4.2. Price Agreements

1.4.3. Discounts/Modifiers

1.4.4. Freight and Special Charges

1.4.5. Custom Pricing Attributes

1.4.6. Promotions

1.5. Accounts Receivables

1.5.1. Customer Setup Customer Profiles Customer Interface/API Party Relationship

1.5.2. Transactions, Adjustments, Memos AutoAccounting AutoInvoice

1.5.3. Cash Receipts Application Rules LockBox ChargeBacks

1.5.4. Revenue Recognition Terms Accounting Rules

1.6. Cash Management

1.6.1. Bank Statements Reconcile

1.6.2. Miscellaneous Transactions

1.6.3. Cash Flow Forecasting

2. Adjacent Areas

2.1. General Ledger

2.1.1. Ledger Sets

2.2. Credit Management

2.3. Purchasing

2.3.1. Dropship

2.3.2. Back-to-Back

2.3.3. Internal Requisition/Sales Order

2.4. Bills of Materials

2.4.1. PTO kitting

2.5. Discrete Mfg (WIP)

2.5.1. Assemble to Order (ATO)

2.6. iStore

2.6.1. B2B e-commerce

2.7. Quoting

2.8. TeleSupport

2.8.1. Service request

2.8.2. Quick Sales Order

2.9. Install Base

2.10. Payments/iPayment

2.10.1. Paymentech

2.11. Payables

2.11.1. AR/AP netting

2.12. XML gateway/EDI Gateway

3. Minor Functionality

3.1. Configurator

3.2. Release Managemnt

3.3. Warehouse Management System (WMS)

3.4. Advanced Intercompany Accounting (AGIS)

3.5. Advanced Collections

3.6. iReceivables

3.7. Oracle Transportation Management (OTM)

3.8. Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM)

3.9. ebTAX

3.10. Endeca Extensions

4. Technical Niche

4.1. Trading Community Architecture (TCA)

4.2. OM/COGS Workflows

4.3. Available to Promise (ATP)

4.4. AR AutoInvoice

4.5. OM interface

4.6. Ship Confirm API

5. R12 distinctive advantages

5.1. Cascading Changes from Header to Lines

5.2. Revenue Contingency

5.2.1. Customer Acceptance

5.3. MOAC

5.3.1. MO: Security Profile

5.4. Parallel Pick Release

5.5. Merge OPM inventory with Discrete Org

5.6. Item Orderability per Customer

6. R12.2 distinctive features

6.1. HTML interface

6.2. post-booking substitutions

6.3. AIA integrations

6.4. CC Auth Reversal

6.5. Endeca Extensions