Important Online Business Contact Template

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Important Online Business Contact Template by Mind Map: Important Online Business Contact Template

1. Technical Support

1.1. Name:

1.2. Phone:

1.3. Email:

2. Web Designer

2.1. Name:

2.2. Phone:

2.3. Email:

3. Introduction

3.1. Nobody runs a business alone.

3.2. You need to know where to go for help if problems arise.

3.3. Take a moment to jot down the following names and phone numbers/e-mail addresses so that you have them when you need them:

4. ISP Technical Support

4.1. Name:

4.2. Phone:

4.3. Email:

4.4. Internet Access Account:

4.4.1. Username:

4.4.2. Password:

5. Web Hosting

5.1. Name:

5.2. Phone:

5.3. Email:

5.4. Web Hosting Service:

5.4.1. Username:

5.4.2. Password:

5.5. Domain Name Service:

5.5.1. Server Names:

5.5.2. IP Addresses

6. Partners & Employees

6.1. Name 1

6.1.1. Phone

6.1.2. Email

6.2. Name 2

6.2.1. Email

6.2.2. Phone

6.3. Name 3

6.3.1. Email

6.3.2. Phone

6.4. Name 4

6.4.1. Email

6.4.2. Phone

7. Payment Network

7.1. Name:

7.2. Phone:

7.3. Email:

8. Accountant

8.1. Name

8.2. Phone

8.3. Email

9. Other contacts:

9.1. Name 1:

9.1.1. Company/Role:

9.1.2. Email:

9.1.3. Phone:

9.2. Name 2:

9.2.1. Company/Role:

9.2.2. Email:

9.2.3. Phone:

9.3. Name 3:

9.3.1. Company/Role:

9.3.2. Email:

9.3.3. Phone:

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