Portal of Resources
by carolyn niemann
1. infomine.ucr.edu
1.1. Infomine is a very helpful website.
1.2. Before this class, I didn't know websites like this existed.
1.3. I wish I had known about this website throughout college so I could check to make sure the information I was getting from websites was reliable.
2. College of Charleston Database
2.1. The CofC database is very extensive
2.1.1. New node
2.2. It is very important you know how to use the search tool.
2.3. When performing a search, you should enter multiple terms and make sure that that they are very specific.
3. Voice Thread
3.1. I love voice thread!
3.2. Voice thread is a great way to create presentations.
3.3. I hope in the future more Professors start using voice thread. It is so much better than having to present in front of a class.
4. Google
4.1. Google is very straight forward and easy to use.
4.1.1. New node