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Why use social media? by Mind Map: Why use social media?

1. Entertain

2. Inspire

3. CRM

3.1. know your customers better

3.2. give better value

3.3. engage with most valuable customers


4.1. opt-out

4.2. may involve reorganization, retraining

4.3. driving visitors off-site

4.4. don't try to sell

5. public exposure

6. stay on top of customer needs

6.1. reinventing yourself as client base expands/changes

7. staying current/changing

7.1. experimenting while minimizing risk

8. Loyalty

8.1. e.g. alumni association: redefine its mission

8.2. understand motivations

9. Educate

10. Engage

10.1. get feedback at customers' convenience

10.2. acknowledge customers

10.3. turn negative feedback into a positive

10.4. integrating learning, sharing resources

10.5. community engagement

11. promote company/event

12. supply-chain integration

13. Reduce costs

14. word of mouth

15. relationship-building

15.1. common interests

15.2. corporate scale

15.3. connecting people w. companies

15.4. reputation

15.5. turning users into salespeople - "brand evangelists"