MSY sharing on Facebook and Contact us

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MSY sharing on Facebook and Contact us by Mind Map: MSY sharing on Facebook and Contact us

1. Match between system and the real world

1.1. You are able to contact their store with their contact at the Location & Trading Hour link

1.2. You can also send your feedback or complain to their website at the contact us link. Fig 2

2. User control and freedom

2.1. Too many tab can cause confusion when using the website

2.2. Content of the website is not that clear

2.3. Buyer cannot give feedback about the product

3. Consistency and standards

3.1. When go the the website itself don't have search button

3.2. Main page of the website layout is too confusing and a lot of popup ads

3.3. Most of the important link is at the bottom of the page

3.4. Some of the link will link you to PDF page and you search of that item there is no result of that item

4. Error prevention

4.1. The search button is not that useful, some product from the PDF page can't be found when searching

5. Visibility of system status

5.1. When you thought that the pop-up ads will bring you the the product itself but it doesn't and bring you the the PDF page

5.2. The website will open up a lot of tab can cause big confusion. Fig 1.

6. Aesthetic and minimalist design

6.1. When you click on a link they will open in a new tab hence you will have a lot of tab

6.2. There is no comment session for the buyer who brought the product to give feedback on the product

7. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

7.1. When go to the website there is no search button

7.2. If you want to search of an item you just click on any link on the website and they will link you to another website and there will be a search button

8. Help and documentation

8.1. There is the terms and conditions link when you go to the website and click of any of the link there and scroll to the bottom of the website

9. Flexibility and effiency of use

9.1. Sharing of product to Facebook steps is clear

9.2. Searching of product is not clear and not flexible

10. Recognition rather than recall

10.1. The image of the website is not that clear

10.2. The website layout is confusing