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Purpose by Mind Map: Purpose

1. SNS

1.1. Provider

1.1.1. Status messages Darstellung der Grenzen der Granularität Game high scores etc Twitter, mostly public

1.1.2. Homepage / Visitenkarte /"Myspace"

1.1.3. Messaging Messages about others

1.1.4. Social Search

1.1.5. Photo upload pictures depicting others

1.1.6. Photo tagging

1.1.7. weitere "Apps"

2. Shopping

2.1. Payment

2.1.1. different addresses for delivery and invoices,

2.2. Delivery

2.2.1. parcel

2.2.2. Packetbox

2.2.3. Information via telephone

2.3. "Rückrufaktion"

2.4. photos: shopping of photobooks, etc. submitting

2.5. Legal purposes

2.5.1. money laundering

2.6. individualized products (custom orders)

2.7. information on the goods orderd

2.8. data about children / children as customers

2.9. published wish-list,

2.10. wrapping as presents for other persons: providing the address to the shop, text for the present (informed consent missing of the person receiving the present)

2.11. insurances Versand, Käuferschutz, Reiserücktritt,

2.12. KfZ-Versicherer - Dritte Partien bettoffen

2.13. Marketing

2.13.1. customer binding systems

2.13.2. internal market research (probably accepted by law / directive anyway), possibility to reject being subject of this kind of anlysis

2.13.3. rebate for new customers (check against names of existing customers in database)

2.13.4. cupons - published

2.13.5. tell your friends: verification of the recommending party, additional information= who knows whom

2.13.6. recommendation systems (amazon), anonymity set / Fallzahlen, Problem: large companies have an advantage

2.13.7. Bewertungsfragen: Shopbewertungen, Produktbewertungen,

2.14. Eligibility

2.14.1. age verification required? yes, no

2.14.2. creditworthiness

2.14.3. Shopping of drugs / Pharmacy

2.14.4. Legitimation to buy / bear weapons

2.14.5. Axis of evil: Being in a country of concern while shopping online.

3. renting of goods

3.1. ...

4. digital goods (licence)

4.1. ...