Good Medical Practice

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Good Medical Practice by Mind Map: Good Medical Practice

1. Appraisal

2. Health

2.1. 77. Register with a GP

2.2. 78. Immunisations and communicable disease

2.3. 79. Serious condition affecting judgement or performance

3. Probity

3.1. Being honest and trustworthy (paragraphs 56-59)

3.2. Providing and publishing information about your services (paragraphs 60-62)

3.3. Writing reports and CVs, giving evidence and signing documents (paragraphs 63-69)

3.4. Research (paragraphs 70-71)

3.5. Financial and commercial dealings (paragraphs 72-73)

3.6. Conflicts of interest (paragraphs 74-76)

4. Working relations with colleagues

4.1. Working in teams (paragraphs 41-42)

4.2. Conduct and performance of colleagues (paragraphs 43-45)

4.3. Respect for colleagues (paragraphs 46-47)

4.4. Arranging cover (paragraph 48)

4.5. Taking up and ending appointments (paragraph 49)

4.6. Sharing information with colleagues (paragraphs 50-53)

4.7. Delegation and referral (paragraphs 54-55)

5. Good clinical care

5.1. * Providing good clinical care (paragraphs 2-3)

5.2. * Supporting self-care (paragraph 4)

5.3. * Avoid treating those close to you (paragraph 5)

5.4. * Raising concerns about patient safety (paragraph 6)

5.5. * Decisions about access to medical care (paragraphs 7-10)

5.6. * Treatment in emergencies (paragraph 11)

6. Maintaining good medical practice

6.1. Keeping up to date para 12-13)

6.2. Maintaining and improving your performance (para 14)

7. Teaching and Training

7.1. About teaching, training, appraising and assessing doctors and students; developing appropriate skills and attitudes (para 15-19)

8. Relations with patients and relatives

8.1. * The doctor-patient partnership (paragraphs 20-21)

8.2. * Good communication (paragraphs 22-23)

8.3. * Children and young people (paragraphs 24-28)

8.4. * Relatives, carers and partners (paragraph 29)

8.5. * Being open and honest with patients if things go wrong (paragraphs 30-31)

8.6. * Maintaining trust in the profession (paragraphs 32-35)

8.7. * Consent (paragraph 36)

8.8. * Confidentiality (paragraph 37)

8.9. * Ending your professional relationship with a patient (paragraphs 38-40)