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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Interim

1.1. Interim Assesment Cycle

1.1.1. Periodic testing throughout the school year

1.1.2. low level or little or no student feedback

1.1.3. more formal style using projects, written assignments and test

1.2. Timeline and Frequency

1.2.1. Predetermined points of time

1.3. Grading

1.3.1. Necessary

1.3.2. Grades for reportcard

1.4. Opportunity to Improve Student Learning

1.4.1. High to Medium

1.4.2. Depends on Implementation

1.5. Purpose

1.5.1. Adjust Instruction

1.5.2. Report Cards

1.5.3. District Reports

2. Formative

2.1. Formative Assessment Cycle

2.1.1. Gather evidence of learning

2.1.2. Evaluate evidence

2.1.3. Feedback

2.1.4. Adjust instruction

2.2. Timeline and Frequency

2.2.1. Often and during the course of instruction

2.3. Grading

2.3.1. Optional

2.4. Opportunity to Improve Student Learning

2.4.1. High

2.4.2. Opportunity for Feedback

2.5. Purpose

2.5.1. Adjust instruction

2.5.2. Provide Feedback for students

3. Summative

3.1. Summative Assessment Cycle

3.1.1. End of large chunk of learning

3.1.2. Review what you want to do

3.1.3. Ensuring high quality assessment

3.1.4. Representative sampling

3.2. Time and Frequeccy

3.2.1. End of Unit

3.2.2. End of Year

3.3. Grading

3.3.1. Necessay

3.3.2. State and District Reports

3.4. Opportunity to Improve Student Learning

3.4.1. Low

3.4.2. Feedback given but no chance to reteach

3.5. Purpose

3.5.1. Report Cards

3.5.2. State Reports

3.5.3. District Reports